Friday, July 24, 2020

How businesses are responsible for causing pollution?

Businesses and Companies are used resources to produce products and services to humans. for better living standards, business uses more resources and make by-products that are not useful for companies and human, is called waste. 100% of waste is discharged into different steams and land which creates pollution. It's a business responsibility to protect environmental impact and pollution.

 For any kind of business, there are four ways to create pollution.

How businesses are responsible for causing pollution

 1. First one, By ignoring the problem. Many companies are ignor their treatment plant problems and as a result, it creates pollution. It's not only for a small scale or neighborhood, but this pollution is the effect on a large scale and creates harmful effects.

 2. Secondly, By prescribing to the doctrine. " the solution to the pollution is dilution"; for example, by diluting pollution so that it's effect less harmful to the environment.

 3. Thirdly, by treating the pollution through the end-of-pipe approach.

 4. The fourth one, by prevention of pollution and waste at the source itself.

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